Mission Point Student Ministries
We are Gospel centered group of students from 6th-12th grades that hang out regularly 2 times a week:
Wednesday Nights- Middle & High School students meet for games, food, music, dramas, funny videos, and a challenge from Scripture in the Youth Room starting promptly at 7:00pm and ending 8:00pm.
Sunday Mornings- Middle & High School students meet for in depth and interactive Bible study at 9:30am.
Why Student Ministries? Our goal is to come alongside the best disciplers a student is given, their Mom & Dad and help them to train their students up in the way of the Lord, so that they will own and live out their faith for the rest of their lives. (Proverbs 22:6). We want our students to be constantly growing in their understanding and application of the gospel of Christ in all areas of their lives, we do this together, by sharing our lives with them as much as possible.
What does that look like? Wednesday nights are open and contagious from for those who have never heard the gospel to those who have grown up singing, “Jesus loves me.” While, Sunday morning is where we’ll dive in a little more specifically into what it looks like to be a follower of Christ as a teenager. We’re gospel centered because we believe that the gospel is not just a one time declaration of belief, but a life time of applying the truth of the gospel in every area of this life. The gospel truths are: we are sinful, God is holy, perfect, and just and we need his forgiveness, and even his help, in order to have a relationship with Him. This is accomplished only by His power, His providence, His pursuit of us, and His grace all given to us through Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection and, the ever present, Holy Spirit. We do nothing apart from admitting our need of Christ/God’s forgiveness. We believe students can be different than the normal American Christian. We believe that God has called them to something greater and we constantly lay the challenge before them to become rooted in their faith in Christ and live out God’s passionate and individual calling for each of their lives.